Agenda item

Refresh of the Work Programme for the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Diane Close, Overview and Scrutiny Officer


The Chair introduced the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Stephen Gwillym and the Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Diane Close who were in attendance to speak to Members as regards the Refresh of the Work Programme for the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer thanked the Chair and reminded Members of the report that had been considered by the Committee, 5 April 2013 and an induction session for the Committee, 18 June 2013 where issues relating to the Work Programme for the Committee had been discussed.  Members noted that the Work Programme had been refreshed in order to reflect the actions identified within the Council Plan 2013-2017 for the Altogether Wealthier priority theme, and also to reflect Cabinet’s Notice of Key Decisions, the Sustainable Communities Strategy, Partnership plans and strategies, performance information and changes in Government legislation. 


The Committee noted that an in-depth review, via a Member Reference Group, was looking at the Impact of Public Sector funding changes on the Economy of County Durham, and that there would be a series of systematic reviews updating Members on progress of previous scrutiny topics.  Councillors were reminded that in addition to the review activities, there would be series of overview presentations on various issues relevant to the Committee as well as bespoke activities as required.  The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that issues already incorporated into the Work Programme included: Business Support; Affordable Homes; review of the performance data from the ALMOs; Skills Development; Apprenticeships; the LEP and CA; and that the issue as regards further information on the CDEP would also be incorporated accordingly.  Members noted that the Work Programme was based on the next 12-24 months, although information from the Government’s CSR may necessitate a process of reprioritisation of issues.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer informed Members of an Overview and Scrutiny Workshop to be held in November as regards the CDP; an update would be given to Members by the Chief Executive of Visit County Durham, Melanie Sensicle on Tourism; and the new Managing Director of Business Durham would attend Committee and give an update as regards ongoing work and inward investment. 



Councillors noted that there would be the systematic review of several previous scrutiny reviews, including “Increasing Young People’s Employment Opportunities (18-24) in County Durham” issues of apprenticeships, what DCC and partners are doing, travel and the apprenticeship and skills programmes. 


The Chairman thanked the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer and the Overview and Scrutiny Officer and asked Members for their questions.


Councillors noted issues of Business Start-ups; the Markets Strategy and governance of markets; the Business Improvement District for Durham; inward investment and local procurement; Child Poverty; the Stock Options Appraisal (SOA) project, including the impact of Welfare Reform on families’ quality of life; and the Adult Learning Strategy. 


Councillor J Armstrong noted that Overview and Scrutiny Management Board would be looking at the broader scope of Welfare Reform and the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that an update on the Adult Learning Strategy was scheduled for the September meeting of the Committee.




That the report and information contained within Appendix 2 to the report be agreed with the addition of an overview on the County Durham Economic Partnership and further updates on the development of the Combined Authority.


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