Agenda item

Skills Development supported by Durham County Council within County Durham

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.



The Chairman asked the Overview and Scrutiny Officerto present the Scoping Report and draft Terms of Reference for the proposed Working Group looking at Skills Development supported by Durham County Council within County Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer reminded Members that during the process of refreshing the work programme for the Committee it had been noted that the next project would look at the issue of Skills Development.  Members were referred to the scoping report, noting that the group would take into account the national, regional and local context. 


Councillors noted that the draft terms of reference referred to comments from some employers that had expressed concern that the current workforce did not have the skills they require, with Members having shared this concern, and had noted it could prevent local people from accessing employment opportunities within County Durham. 

It was added that accordingly, the aim of the review would be to understand the role and performance of DCC in supporting skills development within County Durham, examining how it works in partnership, identify any gaps in current skills support provision and identify future skills priorities for the County.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer explained that it was proposed to have a series of 6 meetings, along with site visits, with Officers from DCC and partners to present information in terms of skills support provided within County Durham.  It was added that it was proposed that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee, together with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny, sit on the Working Group and that volunteers from the Committee would be welcome.  The Overview and Scrutiny Officer concluded by noting that following the meetings and visits, it was envisaged that the report of the Working Group would be submitted to Cabinet in July 2016.


The Chairman thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer and asked Members for their questions and comments in respect of the scoping document and draft terms of reference.


Councillor J Armstrong noted that the working group should have cross-party representation.  Councillor O Temple noted he would be willing to be a part of the Working Group, adding that he felt it would be useful if Members would be able to bring along members of the business community to meetings, as appropriate.


Councillor E Adam noted the scoping report and draft terms of reference, adding that in terms of gaps and barriers there was a number of different areas that would need to be looked at, identifying young people including those Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs), adults and employers.  Councillor J Armstrong added that transport issues in the County would probably feature as a barrier in terms of accessing training opportunities.




That, subject to the comments made by Members, the Terms of Reference for the Skill Development supported by Durham County Council within County Durham Working Group be agreed.


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