Agenda item

Refresh of the Work Programme

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.


The Chairman asked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer to speak to Members in relation to the Council Plan 2016-2019 - Refresh of the Work Programme for the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for copy see file of minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officerreminded Members that the Committee considered a report at the last meeting outlining a draft Work Programme for the Committee.  The report had provided detail of the activity undertaken by Members in 2015/16, highlighted areas to be brought forward for inclusion in the 2016/17 Work Programme and additional areas identified under the ‘Altogether Wealthier’ priority theme of the Council Plan.  The proposed Work Programme for the Committee for 2016/17 was attached at Appendix 2 for approval by the Committee.


It was added that a Special Meeting of the Committee was scheduled for 28 July to look at Housing issues: the new County Durham Housing Group; Durham Key Options; and Chapter Homes.  Members also noted Special Meetings would be arranged for September and December to look at the draft report of the Skills Development Working Group and next stage in terms of the CDP, LTP 3, Poverty Action Plan and Business Durham respectively.  It was explained that new areas for updates would include the Private Landlord Accreditation Scheme and Home Loan Scheme and housing and health initiatives undertaken with social housing providers.


The Chairman noted that the report set out a comprehensive work programme for the Committee and reminded Members of the need to retain flexibility in respect of any emerging issues, and the context of upcoming Council election in 2017.  The Chairman added that he felt the most important issues as he saw it were: European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF), the NECA and the devolution agenda; and the CDP.


Councillor J Armstrong noted that there were a number of review updates that could be signed off, allowing the Committee the time to look at emerging issues.  Councillor M Davinson noted that if reports were presented in a streamlined fashion, similar to how the Performance and Planning Manager presented the performance information, this would be useful for the Committee.


Councillor J Clare noted that he felt the EU Referendum decision would have massive impact upon the Council and the County and felt that a report on the impact should be received by the Committee.  Councillor J Clare added that he felt that Welfare Reform was another major issue that would affect residents in the County and noted it may be relevant to have a working group looking at the impact of the EU Referendum result with a Members’ Seminar to help Councillors understand the main issues.


The Chairman noted that in terms of impact, there would be a YEI update at the September meeting of the Committee and added that in respect of current understanding of the impact of leaving the EU there may not yet be the quality of information required, however, once more was known Members should be informed accordingly.


Councillor H Nicholson noted, as he understood, any committed EU funding would be honoured, however, anything subsequent to the Government invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty may be affected.  Councillor A Batey noted some funds were time-bound and if specific criteria associated with the funds were not met there could be issues in terms of potential clawback.  Councillor J Armstrong added he had spoken to the Leader of the Council, Councillor S Henig in respect of the EU Referendum, and associated issues such as the NECA and NELEP.  Councillor J Clare added there were not just issues in terms of EU Funding, rather other potential impacts and risks to businesses and the Authority. 

The Chairman noted wider issues such as credit ratings and business confidence that could be affected.  Mr T Batson noted that the Chancellor of the Exchequer had stated that the issue was being looked at by Civil Servants.  The Chairman noted the issue was an ongoing one and that Members would maintain a watching brief.




That the Committee agree the Work Programme as set out at Appendix 2 to the report.


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