Agenda item

Report of the Clerk to the Joint Committee: Potential Site Visits and Start Time of the Meetings

Potential Site Visits and Start Time of the Meetings.


The Clerk referred Members to the report setting out responses from Members regarding the start times for the meetings of the Joint Committee and potential sites visits to Crematoria with IFZW equipment, equipment similar to that which is to be installed at the Durham Crematorium (for copy, see file of minutes).


Members noted the majority view was for the start times of the meetings to remain at 5.30pm and for a visit to the Crematorium at Newcastle to be arranged later in the year.


Councillor N Foster noted that the arrangement of the meetings of the Joint Committee should be coordinated such to avoid weeks with Bank Holidays.




(a)         That the meetings of the Central Durham Crematorium Joint                                          Committee continue to be held at 5.30pm.


(b)         That a site visit be arranged to the Crematorium at Newcastle, later in                         the year, when the facility and equipment are completed and in                           operation.


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