Agenda item

Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Review - Increasing Employment Opportunities of Young People (18-24):

(i)                 Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.

(ii)               Terms of Reference and Project Plan – Increasing Employment Opportunities of Young People (18-24).


The Chair introduced the Overview and Scrutiny Officer to give an update in relation to the Working Group set up by the Committee to look at the issue of “Increasing the Employment Opportunities of Young People (18-24) (for copy, see file of minutes).


Members were reminded that a Special Meeting of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been held on 8 September to gather information from Officers and Members to draft Terms of Reference and an associated Project Plan for the project looking at Increasing Employment Opportunities of Young People (18-24).  Councillors noted that the review would run for 3 months, with any additional meetings to those listed in the Project Plan being scheduled should evidence lead Members to have additional lines of enquiry.


Councillor M Wilkes asked why figures within this report in relation to the numbers of young people in receipt of JSA differed from the Performance Report received by Members at Item 5 on the Agenda.  The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that the figures within the Performance Report related to the difference between Quarter 1 figures for each year, with those referred to in this Item being for the Quarter 2 to Quarter 4 increase for the last year.




(i)         That the report be noted.


(ii)               That the Terms of Reference and associated Project Plan for the Scrutiny Working Group “Increasing the Employment Opportunities of Young People (18-24) be agreed.


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