Agenda item

Refresh of the Committee's Work Programme

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive, presented by Diane Close, Overview and Scrutiny Officer.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred Members to the report within the agenda papers referring to the refresh of the Committee’s Work Programme (for copy see file of minutes).  Members were reminded that at the meeting held 29 March 2012 the Committee had considered the actions identified within the Council Plan 2012-2016 for the Altogether Wealthier priority theme and agreed the Committee’s Work Programme to include a number of these actions together with topics in line with the DCC Cabinet Forward Plan, DCC Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS), forthcoming Government legislation and the outcomes of the quarterly performance reports.


Members were reminded of the comments from the Chair, CDEP as regards the Committee’s report on Increasing Employment Opportunities of Young People (18-24) and were asked if there were any suggestions for additions to the Work Programme or preferences for areas for review by the Committee.


Councillors reiterated the comments of the Chair, CDEP in identifying Welfare Reform as an important topic for review and added that information on the impact of Area Action Partnership (AAP) activities in relation to apprenticeships would be useful. 


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that information on AAP apprenticeship activity would be brought forward in the systematic review of the Increasing Employment Opportunities of Young People (18-24) in due course, together with the progress in general against the report recommendations.




That the Members of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee agree the new Work Programme as detailed for 2012-2014, noting the inclusion of the topic of Welfare Reform.


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