County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Authority is a combined authority created by the Durham Fire Services (Combination Scheme) Order 1996.
Membership comprises of 21 elected councillors from Durham County Council and 4 from Darlington Borough Council. The Authority has statutory duty to enforce fire safety legislation and to reduce the risk of fire causing death, serious injury and property related losses to the community.
The Authority must also make provision for rescuing people in the event of road traffic collisions and for protecting people from serious harm in the event of road traffic collisions.
The Authority has a number of broad roles and functions which includes the determination of policy and strategy relating to the objectives of the authority and its priorities. They also approve the authority’s revenue and capital budget strategy, budgets, approve the statement of accounts and agree the level of precept.
Further information is available on the Combined Fire Authority - County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service ( website.
What’s New
The County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Authority are currently looking to recruit an Independent Member to their Audit and Finance Committee.