The Corporate Parenting Panel consists of 21 Members of the Council including the Executive Member for Children and Young People or the Executive Support Member, and the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee.
There are up to ten non-voting co-opted Members including education representatives and representatives from other agencies.
The Panel has the following responsibilities:
1. To ensure that the Council acts as a good corporate parent to children and young people in care and care leavers, including:
Young people in residential care
Children and young people in foster care
Children placed for adoption
Children placed at home under Placement with Parents Regulations
Young people who are living in supported lodgings
Young people in secure services
Young people in custody
2. To engage and listen to the views of children, young people and their carers for whom the Council is the parent.
3. To work in partnership with other statutory agencies to drive forward improvements in care.
4. To act as the governing body for the Virtual School for looked after children and young people.
5. To act as the governing body for Aycliffe secure services, monitoring and ensuring the quality of secure accommodation, education and care.
The CPP produces an annual report which can be downloaded below:
Support officer: Jill Hogg. 03000 269 711